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Junior Kindergarten Program

The Junior Kindergarten Program focuses on preparing students for Kindergarten by practicing routines, developing fine motor skills, and encouraging social activities.  Learning often incorporates song, poetry, rhyme, and stories and seeks to promote a sense of awe and wonder in the minds of our youngest students. 

Sample Schedule


8:30-9:00 Table activities/centers during arrival

9:00-9:30 Circle time - prayer, songs, calendar, weather, colors, letters, counting

9:30-10:00 Snack - books, puzzles independently while waiting for others to finish

10:00-10:15 Story or beginning of a reading/math lesson

10:15-10:45 Specials (music, art, physical education, library)

10:50-11:15 Lesson/Art activity

11:15-11:45 Outside play

11:45-12:00 Clean-up and pack-up for 12:00 dismissal/prepare for lunch


12:00-12:30 Lunch

12:30-1:00 Free play

1:00-1:30 Story time

1:30-2:30 Quiet Time or Nap

2:30-3:00 Clean-up and pack-up for 3:00 dismissal

Like the other grades in the school, there is one Junior Kindergarten section. There is a maximum of 20 students in the class with the JK Teacher and a full-time JK Teaching Aide.

Students must turn 4 years old by September 1 of the year enrolled in order to be eligible for Junior Kindergarten. As part of the admissions program, students will be assessed for JK readiness in January.

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