Middle School Program
The Middle School encompasses Sixth through Eighth Grade with one class per grade. Students rotate classes using a traditional schedule, with daily attendance in core classes: Religion, English, Mathematics, History, Science, and Latin. Music, Art, Physical Education, and Seminar meet once per week.
Several high school level courses are available to Eighth Grade students: Latin I, Algebra I, World History and Geo Science.
In the classical method of education, the middle school period of instruction is generally a "Developmental Stage." This stage of educational development sees a shift in focus to more abstract thought with a focus on formal argumentation and connecting information through discussion. Classes involve more dialogue, analysis, and critique.
- Mathematics: Students will assess at the beginning of 6th grade for either a Pre-Algebra or Algebra I track. (Pre-Algebra track is Math 6, Math 7, Pre-Algebra. Algebra I track is Math 7, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I). Algebraic variables, geometric principles, and problem solving cap the Mathematics sequence.
- English: Students engage with the works of the great literary minds. Students write an MLA-formatted research paper, gradually building in length and complexity from grades 6-8. Students continue to build grammar skills and practice memorization and develop the ability to effectively communicate orally and in writing.
- Seminar is where our students read and discuss a variety of texts that expound upon a central, year-long theme.
- Science explores Life Science in Grade 6, Physical Science in Grade 7 and Geo Science in Grade 8.
- History transitions from US History (Reformation to Modern Day) in Grade 6, to Civics in Grade 7 and then World History in Grade 8.
- Latin continues through middle school, expanding the students' vocabulary and grammar skills.
- Religion: Students begin to examine more complicated moral issues and develop an active faith characterized by prayer and enlivened by service within the school and broader community. Students will read the Gospels of Matthew (6), Luke (7) and John (8).