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Kindergarten and 1st grade

Kindergarten and 1st grade do not wear PE uniforms. Year round, they are to wear their athletic shoes to school on PE day. Girls should wear shorts underneath their jumpers.

2nd - 8th Grade

Grades 2-8 PE: Students in grades 2-8 come to school dressed in their PE uniforms on their designated day. The PE uniform is a St. Benedict gym shirt with the school name, navy mesh gym shorts (no less than 2 in. above the knee), white crew or calf length socks, and athletic shoes appropriate for physical activity. No other gym or t-shirts are permitted. 

In cold weather, the school warm up pants (sold by Flynn & O’Hara Uniform) or navy sweatpants and a navy school sweatshirt may be worn.  Grades JK-5 must wear predominantly white athletic shoes.

The school sweatpants and sweatshirt may be worn in cold weather.

All students must have their uniforms on upon arrival at school. Students are not allowed to call home for a forgotten PE uniform or exchange or share uniforms.


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