Virtue of the Month Program
"The only true riches are those that make us rich in virtue." Pope St. Gregory the Great
From the time of the ancient Greeks, virtue was an essential part of education. At Saint Benedict, one virtue is highlighted each month and students who model that virtue are nominated for special recognition.
Each month, the entire school community focuses on a particular virtue. Scripture stories assist in making that virtue real for the students. Virtues must be practiced repeatedly in order to become habitual. At the end of the month, students are nominated who have been good witnesses of that virtue. A faculty committee selects 3 of the nominees as Virtue of the Month winners (primary, intermediate, and middle school). The virtues are:
September - Chastity
- Luke 6:27-31
- John 4: 3-42
October - Faith
- Genesis 6:14-22
- Genesis 22
- Matthew 25:14-30
November - Graditude
- Luke 15:11-32
- Luke 17:11-19
- 1 Thessalonians 5:18
December - Joy
- Matthew 1:18-24
- Luke 15
- Acts 8:26-40
January - Courage
- 1 Samuel 17
- Acts 27:32-26
- Psalm 91
- Daniel 6
February - Honesty
- Proverbs 10:9
- 2 Kings 5:19-27
- Acts 5:1-11
March - Kindness
- Matthew 6:1-4
- Luke 10:29-37
- 2 Samuel 9
- Mark 10:13-16
April - Respect
- 1 Samuel 24:1-12
- 1 Chrinicles 19:1-5
- Isaia 36:13-37:7
May - Self Control
- Luke 4:1-13
- Titus 2:1-12
- Nehemiah 4