The School Finance Office is shared with the parish and is located in the Parish Center adjacent to the
Church. As a school within the Diocese of Richmond, we use the FACTS Tuition Management Program
for all student billing. The use of one centralized and easily accessible system makes billing more
straightforward for both families and schools. Everyone is required to establish a FACTS account to
make payments to the school (e.g., Tuition, After School Care, Morning Care, Field Trips, and other fees).
Tuition/ASE Contracts: $15.00 (1 Payment), $20.00 (2 Payments), $50 (3 Payments or more)
Payments by Credit Card will be assessed a 2.95% fee
Why do I have two accounts?
In FACTS, you have a tuition account and an incidental account for all other billing. ASE Contract billing
will be charged as a separate invoice agreement. ASE drop-in billing will be billed through the incidental
account. Auto-Debit is required for all accounts.
Terms of Billing
Initial tuition payments are scheduled according to the terms of your finalized tuition agreement. New
charges are billed at Net30; when charges are entered, you will receive an email notifying you of the
Every time the business office makes a change to your FACTS account you will receive an email. So for example, when you send a check in for a Field Trip you will get an email when the Field Trip charge is entered and another email when your check is recorded against the charge.
Change Payment Dates:
You may move your tuition payment up to 2 weeks, four times a year. To change a payment amount or with help moving a payment you can contact the business office at 804-254-8810 x110 or bwingfield@saintbenedictschool.org. Please note that changes to payment schedules must be made at least two business days in advance.
What if I need help?
If you need specific help with FACTS you can call 866-441-4637. If you need help with billing, flex letters, or tax letters please contact the business office at 804-254-8810 x110 or bwingfield@saintbenedictschool.org.